Criminal Defense Help for Theft Charges in Salisbury & Ocean City, MD

A theft conviction in Maryland can have significant consequences, both legal and personal. Some of the key consequences of a theft conviction in Maryland include:

Criminal Record:

A theft conviction results in a criminal record, which can impact various aspects of a person's life. This record can be accessible to potential employers, landlords, and even educational institutions, potentially affecting future opportunities.

Employment Opportunities:

Having a theft conviction on your record can make it challenging to secure employment, especially in roles that require trust and responsibility. Employers may hesitate to hire individuals with theft convictions, as they might consider them to be a risk.

Professional Licenses:

Certain professions and occupations require licenses, certifications, or background checks. A theft conviction could lead to the denial or revocation of such licenses, making it difficult to work in those fields.


Landlords often conduct background checks on prospective tenants. A theft conviction can lead to rental application rejections or limited housing options, affecting one's ability to find suitable accommodation.

Educational Opportunities:

Some educational institutions conduct background checks as part of their admission process. A theft conviction could potentially impact admission decisions or eligibility for certain programs.

Financial Consequences:

Restitution may be ordered as part of the sentence for a theft conviction. This requires the convicted individual to pay back the value of the stolen property or compensate the victim for their losses.

Probation or Incarceration:

Depending on the severity of the theft and the individual's criminal history, a theft conviction could result in probation or incarceration. This can lead to disruptions in personal and family life, as well as challenges in maintaining employment and relationships.

Social Stigma and Relationships:

A theft conviction can carry a social stigma that affects personal relationships and interactions within the community. Friends, family, and acquaintances might view the convicted individual differently, leading to strained relationships.

Collateral Consequences:

Certain rights, such as the right to vote or possess firearms, could be restricted for individuals with theft convictions, depending on the specific circumstances and the severity of the offense.

Immigration Consequences:

For non-U.S. citizens, a theft conviction can have immigration-related consequences, potentially affecting visa applications, green card status, or even leading to deportation in some cases.

Repeat Offender Enhancements:

If a person has previous theft convictions, subsequent theft offenses can lead to more severe penalties, such as longer prison sentences or higher fines.

Given these potential consequences, it is crucial for individuals facing theft charges in Maryland to seek legal counsel and understand their rights. Monteiro Law will help you to explore all options and understand the implications of a conviction while protecting your rights and building a strong legal defense.

Penalties for Theft in Maryland

The penalties for theft in Maryland are subject to change, so it’s always best to contact an experienced lawyer to help you. However, here is a general overview of theft penalties in Maryland:

Petty Theft / Theft Under $100:

Misdemeanor Theft / Theft Between $100 and $1,500:

Felony Theft / Theft Over $1,500:

Other Theft Related Offenses Include:

  • Burglary
  • Robbery
  • Identity Theft
  • Credit Card Theft
  • Bad Check

Monteiro Law can help!

Get A Free Consultation For Your Case

Legal Expertise:

A Criminal lawyer understands the complex legal procedures and nuances surrounding these cases in Maryland. They can guide you through the legal process and ensure that your rights are protected.

Case Evaluation:

A lawyer can review the details of your case, including evidence, police reports, and witness statements. They can identify any potential weaknesses or flaws in the prosecution's case.

Defense Strategy:

A lawyer can help develop a strong defense strategy tailored to your specific situation. This could involve challenging the evidence, questioning the legality of the traffic stop or arrest, or exploring other legal avenues to minimize the impact of the charges.